Thursday, September 01, 2005

Drifting away from her own .

She tiptoed over to the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee and worked on the bills for the month .The extra 500 would set things in place .

Everybody had beamed smiles of appreciation at her at the party and Mrs.Alfredo had promised her the hike .

The kids were brilliant . Maya sang like a bird and Paulo could conjure up the most amazing tales .They grasped things quickly ,making her job a whole lot easier. They had spent the whole week learning the chords and notes for the big night, to celebrate their grades .Maya sang effortlessly and Paulo was a wonder at the piano.

She sank back smug and and flipped through the pages of a notebook lying on the table .A letter dropped out of it .


Dear Parent ,

Please meet me on Saturday at 11.00 a.m . Krishna's scores have dropped to a C
Kauveri never finishes her homework on time .

Thank you,
Sarah Philip "

Krishna and Kauveri slept undisturbed in the other room
and she screened through the paper for another job .


Anonymous said...

Hello, I like your blog. I wanted to tell you about a website I found. It is a Email service related site. It is awesome and I am sure you will love it

karthik durvasula said...

do i know u, or u just found my blog thru Tagore? :)

i see u are a tagore fan too.

karthik durvasula said...

u from VIT? :)

ahiri said...

(to make things easier)i was mathangi's roomate.

stray birds - you will love it .

karthik durvasula said...

u were mathangi's room-mate? ashwin tells me that Aarthi V was her roomie thru-out.

(and, i did know it was u, was just making sure.. though my posts weren't exactly showing that lol).

what's up with u? how's life?

ahiri said...

We were a crowded company !!( Maths, V and I )

Stray Birds ?!!?

ahiri said...

Thanks a lot for that email service link .