Saturday, April 08, 2006


Dandi and Kalidasa were contemporary poets in the court of Vikramaditya .

One day the king , sensing Dandi's jealousy towards Kalidasa called the two of them and asked them to verse a one liner of the words " There is a dry tree standing here "

Dandi jumped up to the challenge with a dry staccatto verse - "Shushkovrikshathistatyagre".

Dandi's jealousy died when Kalidasa aesthitically responded with "Neerasataruruhavilasithabimbe".

(excerpts from mami's music class)


Anonymous said...

could you also explain wat the replies meant by both of them ? That would be much appreciated.

ahiri said...

Both are oneliners for the line " there is a dy tree standing here "

While on one hand we find a bone dry cracking verse(which almost sounds like you are scolding someone(tone of it) ) in sanskrit from Dandi ... Kalidasa responds with a one liner w(h)et with aesthitics .

Anonymous said... should know sanskrit to fully appreciate this anecdote
a good post though