Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Aries Book Shop - Mylapore,Madras

We visited the shop,one dull afternoon three years ago and discovered books by O V Vijayan,Asokamitran,Raja Rao,Mulk Raj,Dostoevsky and some really fantastic (odd) children's books which are difficult to find in many leading book stores these days.The second hand book shop sold a lot of first hand copies too.It was here that we hit on BFI books discussing films.The shop would throw surprises at us and we never tired of browsing through the various sections.The shop held the simple joy of surprise that a radio still keeps while bursting into a song out of the blue.

The book store , the old thatha, his stray wanderings into the thodi ragam,the rickety fan,the unsettling dust,the smell of old books mingling with that of the fresh gum from the new ones and the books of course- are all gone !!
And in its place stand a monstrosity of a clothes shop.

The dull afternoon remains.


Sathej said...

Really touching post ya...Its gone a-the shop? The old Thatha-his stray wanderings into Thodi-well, very nostalgic-would have been great...

Anonymous said...

Very nice.
But made me sort of depressive.
