Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Anju ruba ! Anju ruba !

There is a man selling Pictures of God for 5 rupees near the temple.

"Only 5 rupees,any
God!!" he screams and people are rushing towards him to grab their

Some pretend to not have heard him and hurry by.Some others hesitate and he pitches his cry a little louder.
He has been screaming all afternoon and i have been watching him throughout.
i live in the house next to the temple and i sip my tea in the balcony with a noise.i like my tea with ginger and less sugar.


Sathej said...

Pricing even God! Well, thats the unfortunate state here. Even in temples, the sadly ridiculous practice abounds.

test said...

Hi. I had randomly left couple of comments before on your blog.. no .. I don't read it regularly.. just as randomly chanced upon it again today.
You do write well. Simple and natural.. and the part which is most interesting to me is the way it ends. Everyone "can" write (as Ratatouille teaches us that everyone "can" cook)..but its an art to know where to place the fullstop. Good job :)
Also, I find the writing style in a way close to the short-shorts of Frank Kafka. Here's an example..

Absently gazing out

What will we do in these spring days that are now hurrying towards us? This morning the sky was gray, but if you go to the window now, you are surprised and you lean your cheek against the window latch.
The sun is already setting, of course, but down below you see its light on the face of the childlike girl who is just strolling and looking about, and at the same time you see the man's shadow upon her as he hurries up behind her.
And then the man has passed her, and the child's face is utterly bright.